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le verb - prendre / boire prendre 1 prendre Verb, transitive (a) to take an object, holidays, leave, money, time; to pick somebody up; to catch a thief, take a hostage; to have a meal, drink, take medicine, have, take (more rare) a bath, shower; to take, travel by, go by, get (Infml) plane, taxi, car, take a road; to take on staff, take in a lodger; to get a ticket, buy a car, book a seat; to write down information, take.. 더보기
기초동사 : être, avoir, aller, venir, pouvoir, vouloir être 1 être Verb (a) (with description, opinion) to be; je suis grand I'm tall; elle est grande she's tall; elle est grande, ta voiture, (Infml) c'est grand, ta voiture it's a big car you've got, your car's (pretty) big (b) (describing location) to be; (of person: more permanently) to be, live, be based; Paris est tout près d'ici Paris is really close by; je ne suis pas là lundi I'm not here on .. 더보기
동사 espérer espérer 1 espérer Verb, transitive (a) to hope for help, success; ~ que to hope that; ~ faire to hope to do French verb espérerThe tables below show the conjugation of the French verb espérer in the various simple and compound tenses. Present Perfect j' espère tu espères il/elle espère nous espérons vous espérez ils/elles espèrent j' ai espéré tu as espéré il/elle a espéré nous avons espéré vous.. 더보기
동사 penser penser : 생각하다 [생각하다] 라는 뜻을 가진 규칙 동사이다. 자신의 또는 누군가의 생각이나 의견을 말할 때 사용되는 동사이다. 동사변화는 다음과 같다. 1인칭단수 Je pense 1인칭복수 Nous pensons 2인칭단수 Tu penses 2인칭복수 Vous pensez 3인칭단수 Il/Elle pense 3인칭복수 Ils/Elles pensent 1. Je pense à ma copine. 해석▶ 2. Je pense que tu es intelligent. 해석▶ * 첫 번째 문장에서 je 는 [나] 를 가리키는 주어 인칭 대명사이고 penser à 는 [~를 생각하다] 라는 뜻을 가진다. Ma 는 [나의] 를 뜻하는 소유형용사이고, copine 는 [여자 친구] 를 가리키는 명사이다. [.. 더보기