본문 바로가기

methode du francais/le verb

동사 penser

penser : 생각하다

[생각하다] 라는 뜻을 가진 규칙 동사이다. 자신의 또는 누군가의 생각이나 의견을 말할 때 사용되는 동사이다.

동사변화는 다음과 같다.

1인칭단수 Je pense 1인칭복수 Nous pensons
2인칭단수 Tu penses 2인칭복수 Vous pensez
3인칭단수 Il/Elle pense 3인칭복수 Ils/Elles pensent

    1. Je pense à ma copine. 해석▶
    2. Je pense que tu es intelligent. 해석▶

* 첫 번째 문장에서 je[나] 를 가리키는 주어 인칭 대명사이고 penser à[~를 생각하다] 라는 뜻을 가진다. Ma[나의] 를 뜻하는 소유형용사이고, copine[여자 친구] 를 가리키는 명사이다. [남자 친구]copain 이라고 한다.

* 두 번째 문장에서 je pense que tu es[나는 네가 ~하다라고 생각해] 라고 해석이 된다. Intelligent [영리한, 총명한] 이라는 뜻을 가진 형용사이다. Intelligent 는 남성명사를 수식하고 intelligente 는 여성 명사를 수식한다.

Present Perfect

je pense
tu penses
il/elle pense
nous pensons
vous pensez
ils/elles pensent

j' ai pensé
tu as pensé
il/elle a pensé
nous avons pensé
vous avez pensé
ils/elles ont pensé
Imperfect Pluperfect

je pensais
tu pensais
il/elle pensait
nous pensions
vous pensiez
ils/elles pensaient

j' avais pensé
tu avais pensé
il/elle avait pensé
nous avions pensé
vous aviez pensé
ils/elles avaient pensé
Future Future-perfect

je penserai
tu penseras
il/elle pensera
nous penserons
vous penserez
ils/elles penseront

j' aurai pensé
tu auras pensé
il/elle aura pensé
nous aurons pensé
vous aurez pensé
ils/elles auront pensé
Conditional Conditional perfect

je penserais
tu penserais
il/elle penserait
nous penserions
vous penseriez
ils/elles penseraient

j' aurais pensé
tu aurais pensé
il/elle aurait pensé
nous aurions pensé
vous auriez pensé
ils/elles auraient pensé
Present subjunctive Perfect subjunctive

je pense
tu penses
il/elle pense
nous pensions
vous pensiez
ils/elles pensent

j' aie pensé
tu aies pensé
il/elle ait pensé
nous ayons pensé
vous ayez pensé
ils/elles aient pensé

This verb follows the so-called regular -er verb pattern, the pattern followed by vast majority of verbs of the language, and by practically all new verbs entering the language.

The regular -er pattern has the following defining features:

  • No characteristic consonant (contrast, for example, with verbs following the finir or dormir patterns, which have a characteristic -ss- and -m- in all forms but the present tense singular);
  • No vowel change in the stem, other than where necessary to respect general patterns of French phonology (e.g. see préférer)2;
  • Past participle in 1.

1. Outside the regular -er paradigm, only aller, être and naître have past participles ending in .
2. Many other verb patterns, except verbs of the finir type plus a few other patterns, have an irregular vowel change, e.g. boire > je bois vs nous buvons. See the grammar section on irregular verb patterns in French for a list of the different vowel changes.