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methode du francais/le verb

le verb - prendre / boire


1 prendre Verb, transitive (a) to take an object, holidays, leave, money, time; to pick somebody up; to catch a thief, take a hostage; to have a meal, drink, take medicine, have, take (more rare) a bath, shower; to take, travel by, go by, get (Infml) plane, taxi, car, take a road; to take on staff, take in a lodger; to get a ticket, buy a car, book a seat; to write down information, take (down) notes, take a photo; to catch an illness

je prends, tu prends, il/elle prend, nous prenons, vous prenez, ils/elles prennent
je prenais, tu prenais, il/elle prenait, nous prenions, vous preniez, ils/elles prenaient
je prendrai, tu prendras, il/elle prendra, nous prendrons, vous prendrez, ils/elles prendront
j' ai pris, tu as pris, il/elle a pris, nous avons pris, vous avez pris, ils/elles ont pris

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2 prendre Verb, intransitive (a) (of fire) to start, (of match) light, (of forest) catch fire; (of trend) to catch on, (of a show) be a success
(b) ~ à gauche to turn left

3 se prendre Verb, pronominal (a) s'en ~ à qn to take it out on sb, put the blame on sb


1 boire Verb, transitive (a) to drink water, a drink; offrir à ~ à qn to offer sb a drink; faire ~ un enfant to give a child something to drink; ~ un verre, (Infml) ~ un coup to have a drink (neutral); (Infml) ~ un petit coup to have a quick one (slightly Slang), have a quick drink; (Infml) ~ comme un trou to drink like a fish; ~ sans soif, ~ sec to drink heavily; ~ à la santé/au succès/au bonheur de qn to drink to sb's health/success/happiness; est-ce qu'il a bu? has he been drinking?; il a trop bu he's had too much to drink; je n'ai pas trop bu I haven't had too much to drink, I'm quite sober
(b) (of paper) to soak up, absorb ink
(c) (fig) to drink away savings

je bois, tu bois, il/elle boit, nous buvons, vous buvez, ils/elles boivent
je buvais, tu buvais, il/elle buvait, nous buvions, vous buviez, ils/elles buvaient
je boirai, tu boiras, il/elle boira, nous boirons, vous boirez, ils/elles boiront
j' ai bu, tu as bu, il/elle a bu, nous avons bu, vous avez bu, ils/elles ont bu

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2 se boire Verb, pronominal (a) ce vin se boit chambré this wine should be drunk at room temperature; ce vin se boit bien this wine is very drinkable, this wine goes down well
(b) (Infml) se ~ un verre to have a have a drink (neutral); on se boit une bierre? fancy a beer?

3 boire Noun, masculine (a) le ~ et le manger food and drink; (fig) en perdre le ~ et le manger to loose sleep over it